The Leadership Diet Podcast with Padraig OSullivan

How living systems can help leaders navigate uncertain times with Dr. Josie McLean
Josie Mclean specialises in helping leaders and organisations learn how to navigate complexity by taking lessons from the world around us, ie. living systems. Her recent book, Big Little Shifts,

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The Emergency Phase (of a crisis)

This video by Dr Ronald Heifetz distinguishes two basic elements of a ‘crisis’. These elements are the emergency phase and the longer term adaptive phase. The video was filmed in 2011 after the global financial crisis, but draws on his experiences of  working with thousands of leaders. At this time, he also published an article titled “Leadership in a (Permanent) Crisis” in HBR that is very helpful.

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Sir Kenneth Robinson: human flourishing

Sir Kenneth Robinson is an expert in tranforming education from a mechanistic model to something more human centered. Thsi short video provides a very quick overview of a paradigm shift and way of engaging people that we employ in our work.

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Peter Senge: Navigating webs of interdependence

Whether you are part of a family, organizational team or business in a supply chain, systems thinking is a valuable approach to understanding the complexity of today’s world. Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline, Senior lecturer at MIT and Founder of the Society for Organizational Learning shares his perspectives on leadership and systems thinking with IBM. Senge focuses on the problems that are most difficult to solve and the mental models today’s leaders need in order to build a smarter planet. Leaders today need to be able to be prepared reassess their strategies, work across multiple groups to find solutions and have the vision to work through high leverage solutions over time. Working smarter means working in ways that are collective and are based on collective intelligence across cities and supply chains to produce social, ecological and economic well being.

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Dana Meadows: Sustainable systems

Danella Meadows, one of the co-authors of the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth,  provides a succinct and heart centered introduction to understanding complex systems and how we might transform them. “no one wants the outcomes we are generating together, so what is wrong with the system?”

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Josie McLean: Sustainability as an adaptive challenge

Excerpt from keynote presentation for TAFE SA on organisational sustainability. Describes sustainability in terms of Heifetz’s ‘adaptive challenge’. Since this presentation in 2010, our language has shifted form sustainability to flourishing… it’s so much more than just sustaining ourselves!

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